Have you ever noticed that you make different choices depending on the mood you are in? When anxious or running late, you might take risks that you wouldn’t normally take, or if you’re feeling happy and stress-free, you might be more generous with your time or money.
And what about the foods you choose to eat?
Do you reach for sugar when you’re feeling sad or lonely – hello ice-cream and chocolate! – or coffee and energy drinks when you’re feeling tired?
Imagine how different your choices could be if you had a level of mastery over your emotional state.
Not only will you choose more nourishing food, but cultivating a level of emotional intelligence will also have a positive impact in other areas of your life including relationships and time management.
Tips for managing your food choices:
- Look at where you hold certain beliefs around food eg “sugar will give me energy / make me happy” or “I need coffee in the morning in order to function”. More often than not you’ll uncover that these are habits built over time, more than actual physical necessities.
- Take time to sit and enjoy your food. If you are simply eating to fill your stomach, you will miss out on the taste, texture and joy that eating good food provides.
- Share meal times with friends, colleagues or family, and enjoy the social experience associated with food.
- Don’t waste too much time looking ‘outside’ to educate yourself about what’s “good and bad”. I believe it’s most important to look inside and learn to TRUST yourself. Trust your inner wisdom and what your body is saying to you. Practice feeling into your body soon after you’ve eaten a meal and notice how you FEEL.
- Learn to manage your emotions powerfully. Working with a coach can be hugely beneficial because we often aren’t aware of the power our emotions hold over us. A great coach can see your blind spots and support you through them.
Over time you’ll make choices that result in good feelings in your BODY, not just short term good feelings for your EMOTIONS.
If you would like support managing your emotions, book in a complementary 30 minute call with me x
To shift your habits around food and nourishment: join the waitlist for my 30 day course Making Peace With Your Plate : email kendallbhayes@gmail.com and type “Peace Waitlist” in the subject line.
Visit my Iku Wholefood store at 25 Martin Place Sydney for lunch, and experience our Good Food Doing You Good!
FB: Holistic Health and Healing with Naturally Kendall